Mac airport utility
Mac airport utility

mac airport utility mac airport utility mac airport utility

You’ve reset everything and things still don’t seem right? It’s possible that network interference is the problem. Wireless networks are no exception, and almost without fail you’ll see improvement if you switch off all your kit, including your AirPort unit and broadband modem and router, leave it a few minutes and then switch it all on again in this order: Modem, Router AirPort unit Macs and other devices. In my opinion the fastest way to resolve 99% of almost every common iOS or OS X problem is to restart all your device(s). That’s just a complicated way to say switch the router off and then switch it on again, so why not try it now before you call them up? Reset everything If the steps here don’t resolve your problem the first thing your ISP’s tech support crew will ask you to do is to reset the router. On a Mac you do this using the AirPort menu bar, or using Control Center on iOS devices (there are other ways, but those are the quickest to find). Sometimes the quickest fix is to just turn AirPort off on your Macs and devices for a few moments and then turn it on again.


You’ve even done the right thing and made sure you’re running the latest software on all the devices you keep on your network, but still you got problems. Web sites and emails are taking forever to download video and TV shows are stuttering, online communication you know is coming in your direction isn’t reaching the in-box, and/or using AirDrop to share files between the Macs on your network is taking an age. What are we addicted to? The attention-grabbing Internet, that’s what, and keeping our wireless network in good shape is critical to the way we live today, at work and at play. Many of us are addicted to the extent that we get depressed and moody if we go without it.

Mac airport utility